Tuesday, June 7, 2016


DIY Homemade Dryer Sheets  |  View From The FridgeWhy use the TOXIC store bought dryer sheets?!?  These DIY Homemade Dryer Sheets only require a couple ingredients and are SO MUCH healthier for your family!   From  View From The FridgeWhy use the TOXIC store bought dryer sheets?!?  These DIY Homemade Dryer Sheets only require a couple ingredients and are SO MUCH healthier for your family!   From  View From The Fridge


 DIY Softening Solution:
  • 1/2 cup of Vinegar (Remember white vinegar is made from wheat -it is not gluten free-so find a safe vinegar-Apple cider vinegar) 
  • 8-10 drops of your favorite essential oil
Add to bottom of glass container that can be sealed like the one pictured.  Give it a whirl with your hand to mix. 

For the fabric sheets:
Cut some squares (5x5 or 6x6) out of your fabric scraps or old dishtowels.  Use a pinking shears if you don’t plan on sewing or serging the edges (you can zig zag edges to).  This will prevent most of the fraying. 

Fold the sheets to fit container and drop them in -this vertical method above, where each sheet is touching the bottom works best to absorb the solution. To use right away: Flip container to mix. 

Grab a couple squares, ring out the excess liquid, and throw ’em into the dryer with your clothes (I use about 4-6 per large load):

When the load is done just put them back in the jar to be reused. Refill as necessary

HW: Not all essential oils are safe for every age. I recommend Lavender (not ingested) for babies 3+ months and up. 

Check out this article about safety of essential oil  with children 3+months and up. http://www.thehippyhomemaker.com/essential-oil-safety-babies-children/