Monday, January 3, 2011

WHEAT FREE Dumplings/Matzo Balls for chicken noodle soup

*( recipe posted on facebook by Belinda Lacoste)

1/2 Cup Roasted Baby Rice Cereal ( Earthbest is best! lol)

Pinch Real Salt

1 Egg

1/2 tsp aluminum free Baking Powder

1 TBL oil (I use coconut and olive)

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, combining well. Cover the bowl with plate and let rest in the frige for at least 20 minutes. Bring a large pot of water to boil.

With wet or oiled hands, form the mixture in small balls and drop them into the boiling liquid.

Boil, covered, for 30-40 minutes. When done - the balls will float to the top of the pot.

Remove cooked matzo balls with a slotted spoon.

Place one to three matzo balls in each bowl, and ladle in homemade soup.

Matzo balls expand to several times their original size, do not make balls larger than walnuts, or you will have grapefruit sized matzo balls!

WHen I want to make small tiny dumplings for chicken / noodle soup, I form the raw dough into quarter or smaller sized rounds. They would need to boil 15-20 minutes

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