I am not a big fan of diets but Paleo is a lifestyle . It is not just about losing weight but gaining health. Its about food and lifestyle. It focusing on the complete person not just digestion. I am not saying I am 100% paleo but this lifestyle come pretty close to it . Bonus for me is that most recipes that are Paleo fit my dietary needs: grain free, corn free. I have got to say I do not eat pork (pork is paleo friendly) and I do not eat it for several reasons. It is a choice you have to make for yourself but:
For me and my house we will serve no pork!.
So you will see I long list of recipes under the paleo tab. I use to be just gluten/corn free, but then I have found that just gluten/corn free is not working for me. I also have recipes under a tab called SCD - that is Specific Carbohydrate Diet. (this a HEALTH diet - not necessarily a weight diet). Many disorders of the digestion system and the brain (depression, autism,etc) can be dealt with using SCD diet. I have found that I am carb senstive and I am trying to find more SCD recipes.
The list for legal/illegal foods on the SCD is so long that I will post the link but not the list. Check it out. I have found that many of the illegal foods are foods that I have deleted through the years because they cause me issued and I have learned of new since looking at the list.
Legal foods: carbohydrates that are monosaccharides and have a single molecule structure that allow them to be easily absorbed by the intestine wall.
Illegal Foods: Complex carbohydrates which are disaccharides (double molecules) and polysaccharides (chain molecules) are not allowed. Complex carbohydrates that are not easily digested feed harmful bacteria in our intestines causing them to overgrow producing by products and inflaming the intestine wall. The diet works by starving out these bacteria and restoring the balance of bacteria in our gut.
Also from their webpage. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ is biologically correct because it is species appropriate. The allowed foods are mainly those that early man ate before agriculture began. The diet we evolved to eat over millions of years was predominantly one of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, nuts, low-sugar fruits. Our modern diet including starches, grains, pasta, legumes, and breads has only been consumed for a mere 10,000 years. In the last hundred years the increase in complex sugars and chemical additives in the diet has led to a huge increase in health problems ranging from severe bowel disorders to obesity and brain function disorders. We have not adapted to eat this modern diet as there has not been enough time for natural selection to operate. It therefore makes sense to eat the diet we evolved with.
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ was clinically tested for over 50 years by Dr Haas and biochemist Elaine Gottschall with convincing results. From feedback from the various lists and other information at least 75% of those who adhere rigidly to the diet gain significant improvement.
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