Monday, July 21, 2014

Stevia: Why I do not not use Nu naturals. 
Nu Naturals is the brand recommended by Elana's Pantry. There claim is below. They do not disclaim what type of natural flavors they use. They just assume they are non allergenic. No one knows what is food for one person may be toxic to another. Honestly this about our health not some fad. They do disclaim that they use corn in their powdered stevia -their statement about that is below also. 

From nu naturals website:
We are using natural flavors that are plant based extracts. (could be corn)  These extracts help to increase the sense of sweetness and rounds out the flavor of our NuStevia as well as Pure Liquid Clear Stevia, Vanilla Stevia and Alcohol Free products. From endless consumer feedback, we know that people regard our NuStevia products as the best tasting and sweetest products on the market. Even though we are selling Stevia as a dietary supplement, we know taste is very important to people.
The natural flavors used in our Stevia products are natural plant extracts. These natural flavors do not contain any MSG (monosodium glutamate) or any other “natural flavors” that are known to cause allergic reactions in the body. None of the natural flavors we use are man-made chemicals. We do scrutinize the ingredients that we use very carefully and would not use an ingredient known to cause reactions.
We do not wish to disclose the source of the natural flavor because it is a trade secret. We have spent a lot of time researching and developing the best tasting Stevia products on the market and do not wish to share this information with other companies selling Stevia.

We have been adding these natural flavors to our Stevia products for over 6 years and have not received any communication from the people using our Stevia products about negative reactions. There have been over a billion servings sold without one negative reaction reported to NuNaturals. With that track record, we are extremely confident that our Stevia products are very non-allergenic.
Where does Maltodextrin come from? The maltodextrin NuNaturals uses as an ingredient in NuStevia™ White Stevia Powder™ is made from corn.
How is Maltodextrin made?
Corn is made into slurry (corn mush)
It is then liquefied
The liquid undergoes an acid/enzyme conversion
The liquid goes through filtration and a carbon treatment.
The liquid is then evaporated.
The condensed liquid is now spray dried and separated. One of the products separated out is maltodextrin.
Heartweed: This is what bothers me about their reasoning, some people are still having symptoms and do not realize that some products who do not list ALL ingredients may actually be the ones causing their symptoms to flare up. Some see "stevia" and natural flavors then the website says don't worry about what we don't tell you. Then others claim that the stevia itself is making them ill without realizing that companies like this have hidden ingredients. Maltodextrin: ummm corn is problematic and allergenic. The process in which maltodextrin is made sounds as far away from natural as you can get. 

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