Saturday, May 17, 2014

Peach Fruit Leather

    Peach Fruit Leather

r me, one of the great sites and smells of summer is a big basket of fresh peaches. We love eating them so much in my house that I tend to go a bit overboard at the farmers' market every Sunday and buy way more than we could possibly eat in a week. As...


  • 4 ripe peaches (skin on)
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  1. 1. Preheat oven to 225 F degrees.*
  2. 2. Rinse and remove seeds from peaches.
  3. 3. Place the peaches and honey in a blender and puree until smooth.
  4. 4. Pour the mixture onto a parchment lined baking sheet and spread with the back of a spoon or spatula in a large rectangle (my rectangle was 11 x 15 inches) making sure that the thickness is completely even.
  5. 5. Bake for 3-4 hours or until dry and not sticky to the touch. Remember, cooking times will vary depending on how thick you spread your mixture and how much water (juice) is naturally in the fruit.**
  6. 6. Set aside and cool at room temperature; it takes several hours for the fruit to soften up. Note that when you first take the fruit leather out of the oven, the edges will be a bit dry and crispy, but if you allow it to sit out for several hours it softens up nicely.
  7. 7. Cut with a knife, pizza cutter or scissors into strips, keeping the paper on if desired, then roll the leather into “roll ups”.
  8. 8. Serve.
  9. * If you choose to use a dehydrator, cook the fruit leather at 135 degrees for 5 hours.
  10. ** Every oven is different, so the cooking time maybe less than 2 hours if your oven tends to run hot.

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